Worldloppet races

The unique Birkebeinerrennet in Norway | 2025

The Schedule - Specific Dates During Your Trip

You can also start your trip any day before Wednesday or stay longer after Sunday to visit Oslo or come earlier at Lillehammer! Please ask for more specific details.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

You can take any international flight you wish. The bus departs from Oslo-Gardermoen Airport heading for Lillehammer, approximately two hours’ drive. Arrival time is approximately at 18.00h. Then you can check-in and the dinner will be served.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Starting at 7.30h in the morning, you can have breakfast at your hotel. Then you can take our bus that departs from the hotel and goes to the 1994 Lillehammer Olympic stadium for a first 10 to 15 kilometres “warm-up” ride. In the afternoon, you’ll pick up your individual bibs and race packets at Hakon Hall. Then you can visit the town and especially the main street called ‹Storgatta›. We will eat a specially prepared menu for diner. You’ll want to prepare your skis for the then-current snow conditions.

Friday, March 14, 2025 – Preparation day or skating race

Starting at 7.30h in the morning, you can have breakfast at your hotel. Then you can take our bus that departs from the hotel and goes to Sjusjoen. During the ride, you can take a look at the last 15 to 18 kilometres of the race. You can go as far as the arrival stadium. Then you can return to the hotel, which only takes a few minutes. In the afternoon, you’ll want to wax your skis. And you may wish to visit the town on your own. Dinner will be at 7 in the evening. After dinner, we’ll provide you with a briefing about the next day’s race.

New is a skating race on the original tracks of the Birkebeiner from Rena to Lillehammer – the ‹Fredags Birken›. This race in the free technique has already been added to the Worldloppet Pass. The buses to the start run only five minutes from the hotel. For the skating race holds the same rules for the backpack of 3.5 kg which you have to carry with you.

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - The big race day

You will get up at the crack of dawn and eat as big a breakfast as you can. There will be a bus to take you from the hotel to the start of the race in Rena, which is 8:00 in the morning. The bus will be waiting at the parking lot in Rena so if you have a later start, you can wait in the bus. All luggage can be left in the bus and will be transported back to the hotel after the race, you can walk back to the hotel by yourself. In the evening, you will have the last celebratory dinner with all of the other tour group members. By now you will have made lots of friends, to be sure.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

You will go by bus to Oslo-Gardermoen Airport or back to downtown Oslo if you’ve decided to extend your trip to visit this fantastic city.

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